Shabbat is central to Jewish life. As the great Jewish writer Ahad Ha-Am has observed: “More than the Jewish people has kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jewish people.” The Sabbath truly has been a unifying force for Jews the world over.
Shabbat Clusters
Shabbat After Dark
Late Night Shabbats
This isn’t your parent’s Shabbat! Starting with drinks and nosh, we’ll provide you with one of the most engaging and interactive Shabbats you have ever been to. We’re changing everything, from where you sit, to what you’ll see, to what you’ll hear. This new series from The Tribe takes everything good and leaves behind the old ways of doing things.
Embrace a new style of Shabbat specifically designed with the next generation in mind.
We’ll gather for drinks, nosh, say kiddush, and experience The Tribe’s Kabbalat Service. Referenced by participants as both special and meaningful, end the week in a powerful round with your peers!
7:00pm Reception and Welcome
8:00pm Services